Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Perils of Being a Mom....

I have a wonderful 9 year old son....he is absolutely a magnificent human being. I truly believe he will change the world. I know this sounds so great..."How wonderful for you...."I'm sure that's what others think/say....but raising him is a challenge. I want to raise him to be medication, no special ed...I want him to learn and exist as GOD created him. I'm sure to others this may sound easy, but it is not. I have had to fight many battles for him. I have to admit that sometimes I am resentful that it is so difficult...and sometimes I direct that resentment towards him, which is not fair or right in any way! I pray everyday to be granted the strength, grace, patience, knowledge, and understanding to raise him up to be the "MAN" that I believe he can/will be.  In the meantime, I am trying to make peace with letting him be a boy, the boy, the child he is NOW. I want him to have happy and pleasurable memories of his childhood. I know that he will most likely resent me for somethings, but I hope & pray that he knows that I always worked diligently for his well being & happiness. Letting go of the expectations a mother has for her children and truly hoping & promoting the person they are & are to become is so much more difficult than I ever imagined. I guess I have a problem with our society...I won't expound on that right now, but I do have a problem with it, a lot of problems.  That being said...I'm so happy & blessed to have Isaac Beckham as my son and I am willing & ready to face any & all challenges I will face raising him as I wish. I only hope that my philosophy pleases him as well.

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