Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How To Make Friends.....

Really, this is more of a question.  I have about 7 friends that I have known for 10+ years. They all live about 500 miles away. We talk on the phone a lot, and I see them every now & then. However, I have come to realize the importance of friends who are in the same town that I can get together with and actually see! I've lived in Dallas for 5 years and haven't made that many friends. The friends I have here are either single with no kids (which makes my social outings with them difficult since I have 2 kids & a hubby) or moms with kids & husbands of their own (which makes socializing with them difficult as well). Someone once told me that I focused on my Arkansas girlfriends too much and that prevented me from developing friendships here. I don't know if I agree with that, but I would like a few "partners in crime" here in Dallas. I love hanging with Eric, but every now and then a girl needs a girlfriend, ya know? Honest opinions on hair, clothes, the weight I've gained are valuable!! I just realized this blog is starting to sound like a personal ad....that's not what it is though. I suppose it's time to realize that I'm at the point in my life where my social life is very much connected to being a Mom, school volunteer etc....
"Good friends are like stars, you can't always see them, but you know they're always there"
I love my Arkansas girls and I know I can always call & dish...gotta get me some Dallas friends that I can have coffee & conversation with-in person!!

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